Spring into Head Lice Prevention: Tips from Lice Clinics of America® in Tomball, College Station, and The Woodlands

“When parents are confronted with head lice, they often react in a panic—we see it every day,” said Sonia Watt, owner of Lice Clinics of America in Tomball, College Station, and The Woodlands. “They don’t know what to do, primarily because people don’t like to talk about head lice until they have to. Then they panic.”

“The best defense against head lice is a good offense,” Watt said.

Indeed, since 12 million children under 13 years old get head lice each year— with 48 million children in the U.S. alone—one in four will get head lice.

“It pays to have a plan in advance,” Watt said.

What can you do to prepare for head lice? Here are Watt’s tips for helping to prevent an infestation:


  1. Use lice prevention products. New products are available in the form of sprays, rinses, and shampoos that serve as lice repellent. Lice Clinics of America offers a complete line of non-toxic products guaranteed to be effective. Their new spray, Pure Repel, is designed for use on household items like clothing, furniture, and backpacks where lice may be clinging to a strand of hair that has fallen from someone’s scalp.


  1. Get professional screening. Head lice are notoriously tricky to diagnose. Children can be symptom-free for weeks before the signature scratching begins. Lice Clinics of America offers screenings for a modest fee that is waived if lice are found and treatment is purchased.


  1. Know what works and what doesn’t. Traditional lice products are increasingly ineffective because lice have become resistant to the pesticides they use. A 2016 study published in the Journal of Medical Entomology found that 98 percent of head lice carry a genetic resistance to pyrethroids, the class of pesticides used in the most popular lice shampoos. Don’t waste money and time on them. Lice Clinics of America’s AirAllé® medical device has been clinically shown to kill live lice and more than 99 percent of eggs (nits) using carefully controlled heated air to dehydrate lice and eggs. The entire treatment takes about an hour and is guaranteed to be effective. See if there’s a clinic near you and make sure you have the phone number handy when lice strike!


  1. Stock your home with lice supplies. It’s common to detect head lice at night, such as bath time, when stores may be closed. Keep lice prevention products on hand. There’s also a home version of the AirAllé device, called OneCureTM, that treats head lice on the spot. Like AirAllé, OneCure uses heated air and treatment takes about an hour.


  1. Talk to your friends about head lice. Silence is a significant contributor to head lice outbreaks. If your child comes home with head lice, gets treated, and you send them back to school or day care, odds are they will get lice again if other parents aren’t alerted, and their children aren’t checked. No one likes to talk about head lice, but you really should. And no one is to blame—lice afflict all social and economic groups. Watch actress Jennifer Garner’s story about meeting George Clooney when her children had lice!


“Lice happen, but they don’t have to happen to you,” Watt said.

Spring into action this year and take steps to prevent head lice from marching into your household.

To learn more or to schedule an appointment, visit https://texasliceremovalclinic.com, email info@texasliceremovalclinic.com, or call College Station (855) 464-8688, Tomball (832) 648-1619, or The Woodlands (832) 957-0373.

Lice Clinics of America® in College Station, Tomball, and The Woodlands Say Don’t Let Lice Drive You Mad This March

Sonia Watt, owner of Lice Clinics of America in College Station, Tomball, and The Woodlands, wants the only madness you experience this March be due to college basketball. But as head lice have become a growing problem in the area, and spring break vacations bringing kids in close quarters, Watt says it pays to be prepared and to know how to treat head lice quickly and effectively.

“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says some 12 million children under 13 years-old get head lice each year,” Watt said. “There are about 48 million children in that age group in the United States, which means one in four will contract head lice.”

“Head lice are a growing problem due to the phenomena called ‘super lice,’” Watt said. “There isn’t anything particularly terrifying about these bugs, it is just that most lice in many countries, including the United States, are now immune to the pesticides used in popular lice shampoos.”

The most recent study on the subject, published in the Journal of Medical Entomology in 2016, found that 98 percent of head lice are new genetically resistant to pyrethroids, the class of pesticides common in lice products.

“Super lice are everywhere,” Watt said. “Including in College Station, Tomball, and The Woodlands.

“We see first-hand how head lice can be maddening for parents as they often try several times to treat children with traditional products, not knowing they won’t work,” Watt said. “Meanwhile, they are dousing children’s hair in pesticides, which have been linked to behavioral and developmental problems in children.”

If your child does come home with head lice, Lice Clinics of America – College Station, Tomball, and The Woodlands has a guaranteed solution. The clinic is part of the world’s largest network of professional lice treatment centers and the exclusive provider of treatment using the revolutionary AirAllé® medical device. The AirAllé device was cleared by the FDA after it was found in clinical trials to kill live lice and more than 99 percent of eggs (nits) in a single one-hour treatment. Treatment is guaranteed to be effective.

“When we tell people they can be lice-free in an hour, guaranteed, they are thrilled,” Watt said. “Especially when they’ve been trying, and failing, to treat it on their own.”

AirAllé was developed by researchers at the University of Utah and uses microprocessor-controlled heated air to dehydrate lice and eggs on the spot. It is effective against super lice because it doesn’t use pesticides or chemicals. The device is used in more than 350 clinics in 36 countries and has successfully treated nearly half a million cases of head lice with a success rate better than 99 percent.

“This is science and medicine at work,” Watt said. “It is safe, fast and effective. Guaranteed.”

There’s no reason to go mad this March for any reason other than your bracket getting busted. Good luck!

To learn more or to schedule an appointment, visit https://texasliceremovalclinic.com, email info@texasliceremovalclinic.com, or call College Station (855) 464-8688, Tomball (832) 648-1619, or The Woodlands (832) 957-0373.



Spring Break Head Lice Prevention Tips from Lice Clinics of America – College Station, Tomball, and The Woodlands

School breaks—summer, winter, and spring—are peak lice times as kids spend more unstructured time together. “We see it every year,” said Sonia Watt, owner of two Lice Clinics of America clinics in College Station, Tomball, and The Woodlands. “Our phones start ringing after every break because kids go back to school with head lice.”

Watt has some tips for head lice prevention and treatment to keep lice out of your life or to eradicate them as quickly as possible.

“One thing we always recommend is that you get a professional screening before your child returns to school,” Watt said. “Head lice can be very difficult to correctly diagnose, and we find that parents either mistake dandruff for head lice or think actual head lice are just dandruff.”

The College Station, Tomball, and The Woodlands clinics offer professional screenings for a modest fee, which is waived if live lice are found and treatment is scheduled.

“We also carry a complete line of lice prevention products that are guaranteed to be effective when used properly,” Watt said. “They’re completely nontoxic and a great way to prevent head lice during school breaks.” Preventive products include shampoos, conditioners, and sprays that can be used daily or when exposure to head lice is likely.

“It’s also important to be educated about head lice to avoid unnecessary risks,” Watt said. “Head lice spread mainly through head-to-head contact—they don’t jump or fly but they can scramble from one head to another in a matter of seconds.”

Parents can reduce exposure to head lice infestations by keeping children’s hair short or pulled tight, and by checking for head lice after high contact situations like sleepovers or shared

vacation rooms. Early detection can make treatment easier and ensure that head lice don’t spread to other family members.

Watt has good news for parents that are confronted with lice after spring break or at any other time. “Head lice don’t have to be nightmare,” she said. “Come to our clinic and you can be lice free in an hour, guaranteed.”


That’s no “snake oil” pitch. It’s an FDA-cleared, clinically proven fact. Lice Clinics of America in College Station, Tomball, and The Woodlands are the area’s exclusive provider of head lice treatment using the AirAllé® medical device. Developed by researchers at the University of Utah, AirAllé kills lice and eggs through dehydration using carefully controlled heated air. In clinical trials, it killed live lice and more than 99 percent of eggs. Treatments take about an hour and are guaranteed to be effective.

Traditional lice treatments require multiple applications and tedious nitpicking to remove eggs. Lice have developed resistance to the pesticides traditional products use, and it is not uncommon for families to struggle with head lice for weeks or months at a time.

“We want families to be lice-free after spring break and all year round,” Watt said. “But if you do get head lice, we’re here to make getting rid of them easy.”

With 330 clinics in 35 countries, Lice Clinics of America is the world’s largest network of professional lice treatment centers. AirAllé device has treated more than 1 million cases of head lice around the world with a success rate better than 99 percent.

To learn more or to schedule an appointment, visit https://texasliceremovalclinic.com, email info@texasliceremovalclinic.com, or call College Station (855) 464-8688, Tomball (832) 648-1619, or The Woodlands (832) 957-0373.

Lice Clinics of America® in Tomball, College Station, and The Woodlands Reports Local Lice Infestations

Lice Clinics of America in Tomball, College Station, and The Woodlands reported that their clinics have seen an increased number of cases of lice infestations in multiple neighborhoods in Tomball, College Station, and The Woodlands.

“If you have school-age children where lice infestations have been reported, it’s important to take some immediate steps to either prevent your children from getting head lice, or to properly treat and kill the lice before they spread to others among your family and schoolmates,” said Sonia Watt, owner of the Tomball, College Station, and The Woodlands clinics.

“Lice are not life-threatening, and they don’t cause any illness, but they are highly contagious and difficult to eliminate with traditional treatments,” Watt said. “According to the CDC, head-to-head contact with an already infested person is the most common way to get head lice. Head-to-head contact is more common among children than adults as kids play at school, at home, in sports activities, playgrounds, and sleepovers.”

“No parent wants to deal with head lice, but there really isn’t any reason to panic or to be embarrassed,” Watt said. “Head lice have nothing to do with personal hygiene or home cleanliness.” Watt recommends the following to make sure lice aren’t living in your child’s hair:

  1. Inspect your child’s head, especially if your child has an itchy scalp. Look for eggs, nymphs and adult lice. One female adult louse can lay about 100 eggs during her life span. That’s a lot of new lice.
  2. Call the parents of your child’s friends and have them check for head lice, remembering that early intervention can help to reduce the infestation level.
  3. If you see lice—or if you are unsure whether you have lice—visit a professional lice treatment center, such as Lice Clinics of America, for a reliable screening.
  4. Traditional over-the-counter treatments contain pesticides that are no longer effective. Lice have evolved into “super lice” and have developed resistance to those pesticides. Find a treatment that is safe and effective. Lice Clinics of America offers a number of options.
  5. Be safe this season by starting your child on a lice prevention regimen using trusted lice prevention products such as shampoos, conditioners, sprays and hair bands that will help to keep lice away from your child’s scalp.

With more than 350 clinics in 36 countries, Lice Clinics of America is the world’s number-one service brand for treating head lice. The company’s revolutionary AirAllé® medical device is FDA-cleared and uses heated-air to dehydrate lice and eggs and is guaranteed to kill lice, lice eggs and super lice in a single, one-hour treatment.

“Worldwide, the AirAllé has successfully treated nearly half a million cases of head lice with a success rate better than 99 percent,” Watt said. “It is fast, safe, and guaranteed to be effective.”

Lice Clinics of America also offers professional lice screenings and a full line of top-rated lice prevention products. All products and treatments are pesticide-free.

To learn more or to schedule an appointment, visit https://texasliceremovalclinic.com, email info@texasliceremovalclinic.com, or call (855) 464-8688 for College Station or (832) 648-1619 for Tomball.