It’s Not Lice, but I’m Still Itchy! Part 2!

In a previous post, we identified some scalp conditions that may be causing your head to itch instead of lice. If you thought that was an exhaustive list, you would be wrong. Here are some more head-scratchers.



Folliculitis is a common skin condition in which the hair follicles become inflamed. It is usually the result of a bacterial or fungal infection of the hair follicle. This may cause small pus-filled bumps like little pimples and may cause irritation and itchiness.



Cysts are pockets or sacs filled with fluid or some other substance. They vary in size from very tiny to very large. There are many different types of cysts and they can occur anywhere on the body. Several different types of cysts can occur on the scalp. They may feel like tiny bumps or large lumps and they can cause irritation or discomfort.


Herpes Zoster

A Herpes Zoster eruption is known more commonly as Shingles. Shingles can erupt anywhere on the scalp. Shingles can cause irritation, discomfort, and painful blisters.


Other Infestations can also occur.


This common infestation is caused by a mite. It usually does not affect the scalp, except in infants or people who are immunocompromised. It can cause small bumps which are intensely itchy.


Bed Bugs

Like head lice, these small parasites feed on human blood. Unlike head lice, they do not live on the body. Their bites leave red welts which may be painful or itchy. While they may affect the scalp, their bites are more common on the face, neck, and other areas of the body.


As you can see, there are many different conditions, skin disorders, and infestations that can affect the scalp and may mimic some of the symptoms of a head lice infestation. We have only listed a few of the most common ones. There are many more.


Lice Clinics of America – Texas Lice Removal is a member of the world’s largest network of lice clinics and all technicians have been trained and certified to operate our exclusive AirAllé device. This revolutionary FDA-cleared medical device kills head lice and over 99% of lice eggs using specially controlled heated air.


Lice Clinics of America has successfully treated more than 1 million cases of head lice. The company has more than 265 clinics in 20 countries, making it the world’s largest network of professional lice treatment centers. Lice Clinics of America – Texas Lice Removal has three locations. College Station is located at 4444 Carter Creek Parkway, Suite 101, Bryan, Texas 77802. Tomball is located at 11601 Spring Cypress, Suite C, Tomball, TX 77377. The Woodlands is located at 2219 Sawdust Road, Suite 2003, The Woodlands, TX 77380. Each location is open seven days a week by appointment. Call 979-481-6144 for College Station, 832-648-619 for Tomball, or 832-957-0373 for The Woodlands or visit for more information or to schedule an appointment.


It’s Not Lice, but I’m Still Itchy!

Your head has been itchy, you’ve checked yourself for head lice and your screening came back negative. What else could it be??


There are many other scalp conditions that may cause itching and can mimic the symptoms and some of the physical findings experienced with a head lice infestation. Below, we’ll get into what else could cause an itchy head!


Tinea Capitis

Tinea Capitis is a common fungal infection that causes irritation and inflammation of the scalp. It is more common in children than adults but may affect anyone.


Seborrheic Scalp Dermatitis

Seborrheic Scalp Dermatitis is a common scalp condition affecting infants, adolescents, and adults. It causes irritation and inflammation of the scalp. In infants, it is usually called “Cradle Cap”. This skin condition causes redness and scaly patches. Milder forms may result in stubborn dandruff. More severe cases cause thick, scaly areas and scalp irritation.


Atopic Dermatitis

Atopic Dermatitis is the most common type of eczema. It is most frequent in children but can occur at any age. It causes the skin to be red and itchy. Sometimes the itchiness can be severe.



Psoriasis is a chronic, autoimmune disease affecting skin cells. It can involve the scalp. Psoriasis causes redness, irritation, and thick scaly areas of the skin. It tends to go through cycles. It may flare up for weeks or months and then subside for a time before flaring up again.


Allergic Contact Dermatitis

Allergic Contact Dermatitis is the result of an allergy or sensitivity to something. It can cause redness, flaking, and itchiness. In more severe cases, it may cause blisters. The most common cause of allergic contact dermatitis on the scalp is a hair product.


As you can see, there are many different conditions, skin disorders, and infestations that can affect the scalp and may mimic some of the symptoms of a head lice infestation. We have only listed a few of the most common ones. There are many more.


Lice Clinics of America – Texas Lice Removal is a member of the world’s largest network of lice clinics and all technicians have been trained and certified to operate our exclusive AirAllé device. This revolutionary FDA-cleared medical device kills head lice and over 99% of lice eggs using specially controlled heated air.


Lice Clinics of America has successfully treated more than 1 million cases of head lice. The company has more than 265 clinics in 20 countries, making it the world’s largest network of professional lice treatment centers. Lice Clinics of America – Texas Lice Removal has three locations. College Station is located at 4444 Carter Creek Parkway, Suite 101, Bryan, Texas 77802. Tomball is located at 11601 Spring Cypress, Suite C, Tomball, TX 77377. The Woodlands is located at 2219 Sawdust Road, Suite 2003, The Woodlands, TX 77380. Each location is open seven days a week by appointment. Call 979-481-6144 for College Station, 832-648-619 for Tomball, or 832-957-0373 for The Woodlands or visit for more information or to schedule an appointment.