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Treating Lice: Do’s And Don’ts

There are probably more parents in the world who don’t know anything about lice than parents who do. Lice are one of those things that you don’t need to know anything about until an infestation affects your family. You never think it’ll actually happen to you but statistics show that if you have school-aged children, then there is a pretty good chance of you dealing with it during those elementary years. If an outbreak happens at school, it’s always good to be prepared and have some knowledge of the things you should and shouldn’t do when it comes to treating lice.

Here are some Do’s and Don’ts we came up with for treating lice. Let’s start with the Don’ts.


• Freak out. It’s understandable when a parent panics at the sight of lice in their child’s hair but imagine how that will make your child feel? Children often react based on their parent’s emotions. If you stay calm, then they are more likely to stay calm. Plus, there’s no reason to panic too much because we ca treat the lice for you and all will be just fine.
• Feel too ashamed or embarrassed to call parents and teachers. When you discover your child has lice, the courteous thing to do is call anyone who may have come in direct contact with your child. This means telling friends’ parents and teachers. The social stigma given to those who contract head lice needs to be eradicated. Nobody can help it and anyone can get it.
• Use harmful chemicals to treat lice. There have been various studies proving that chemicals found in many lice treatments have detrimental and harmful side effects for children. That is not worth the risk one bit, especially since we are in the era of super lice, and over-the-counter treatments usually fail to treat super lice. We have treatment at our clinic that is chemical-free.
• Tent your house or call and exterminator. Some people thing that you need to do something serious to your house post head lice infestation. That is untrue. Head lice can’t survive off the head for more than 48 hours at most, so they will die. All you need to do it vacuum all carpet and wash all bedding and items used by infested individual.


• Perform head checks on every family member to make sure the lice hasn’t spread to anyone else.
• Notify anyone who may have come in contact with your child and contracted head lice.
• Come to Lice Clinics of America – College Station, for safe and effective treatment that is chemical-free and comfortable for all ages.
• A load of laundry with all bedding and towels that the infested child may have touched. Wash and dry the hottest temperature.
• Put brushes, combs, accessories and any stuffed animals in a plastic bag and then place it in the freezer overnight.
• Make the process as fun and not scary as possible for you children. It is normal for a child to feel embarrassed when having head lice. Let them know that it is common and can happen to anyone. Let them know that head lice treatment is around the corner and that it will all be gone soon.

Treating lice can be quite a new and confusing process for some parents but we are here to help. Treating lice is our expertise and we treat each child as if they were our own. The hopes for this blog was to teach you a little bit more about treating lice than you knew before.