We Treat Head Lice! What Are The Other Types Of Lice?
Head Lice
Head lice are quite common among young children and at our clinic, we offer the best possible treatment for them. Our treatment is fast, 100% safe and effective. Getting head lice means either coming in direct contact with someone who has head lice or using someone’s comb, brush or hair accessory. Parents often panic when their child gets lice but a little bit if education about it can make all the difference when faced with it. Direct head-to-head contact is the most common way to get head lice from someone. The formal name for them is Pediculus humanus capitas, but most people just relate to it as head lice. Personal hygiene or cleanliness has nothing to do with contracting head lice. They feed on human blood several times a day from the scalp and they live in the hair, very close to the scalp. They aren’t harmful and don’t carry diseases. However, they are a huge nuisance and you’ll want to get them treated as soon as possible. Head lice are the most common type of lice and the one your child might come home from school with. You’ve gotta watch out for head lice if you have elementary-aged children. But, what are the other types of lice?
Body Lice
Unlike head lice, body lice can spread disease (yikes!) Their formal name is Pediculus humanus corporis. They reside on the body and are actually more common among people who have bad hygiene and don’t wash and change their clothes on a regular basis. They might come about during camp when a person roughs it for a few weeks and doesn’t take showers. These type of lice are directly related to uncleanliness. This type is not as common but it can definitely happen to someone who doesn’t take care of themselves. They are spread through person-to-person contact. These type of lice can be dangerous and cause more problems.
Improved hygiene and access to regular changes of clean clothes is the only treatment needed for body lice infestations. This one can be controlled and taken care of so, please, for the sake of yucky body lice, stay clean!
Pubic Lice
Pubic lice, or Pthirus Pubis, are found attached to hair in the pubic area, but can occasionally be found on coarse hair on other parts of the body such as eyebrows, eyelashes, beards, mustaches, chest or armpits.
Pubic lice infestations are usually spread through sexual contact. Both over-the-counter and prescription medications are available for treatment of pubic lice infestations.
Although we only treat head lice, we wanted you to be a tad familiar with the other types of lice as well. Every type of lice can be treated but we treat head lice only. We are experts and keep up with the research and news on lice. We treat regular head lice as well as super lice, which is on the rise in America. Our treatments work effectively no matter what. We hope you never have to deal with any types of lice but if you have head lice in your future, give us a call to make an appointment. We’ll give head checks to your family and talk about the best treatment option for you. We are your neighbor in lice treatment and we’ll make the process easy and fun.