
Head Lice Treatment At Summer Camp

Most kids look forward to summer because instead of going to school, it means going to pool parties, water parks and… SUMMER CAMP!! Children often leave summer camp with the fondest of memories. We sincerely hope that memories and friends are all they leave with but unfortunately, they might also leave with head lice if there aren’t some procedures in place to try and prevent an outbreak.

We Can Come To Summer Camp

One of the services that we can offer is lice treatment at your child’s summer camp. If we go to summer camp on the first day and check every head and the treat every head that has an infestation, we can prevent an outbreak before lice have the opportunity to ruin your child’s summer camp experience. Talk to us if you’re interested in coordinating this with a summer camp. It would be a great and affordable way to prevent a huge head lice outbreak. Head lice infestations at summer camp are about as common as the common cold. We are willing to work with camps to treat the children!

Be Informed And Prepared

One of the best things parents can do when it comes to head lice is to be prepared and informed on policies and procedures about head lice. Believe us when we say that sending your child to camp with a head lice shampoo to use if they get lice will not work. Drugstore lice treatments don’t work anymore now that we’ve got super lice to deal with. Do the onsite nurses or medical professionals know how to identify lice and handle lice outbreaks? Camp staffers are just as susceptible to lice as the kids, so chances are good they will be on the lookout for it. Make sure you understand how the staff is trained to deal with infestations, especially if there is an on-site treatment approach or no-nit, call-for-pickup policy. It’s important that your child is not exposed to harmful chemicals for “preventive” treatment due to inexperienced care providers.

Inform Your Child About Head Lice

We always recommend educating your children about head lice because we don’t want them to be terrified if they get an infestation. We believe that educating children about head lice is just as important as lathering kids up with sunscreen before spending a day in the sun or spraying bug spray before a camp trip. A quick identification lesson and a gentle reminder not to have hair-to-hair contact, share bunks or trade hair brushes should do the trick.

We sure hope your little one doesn’t get lice but if they do, it will make everything easier if you are prepared.